• Atmospheres

    works by Artemis Aifotiti

    Atmospheres I for Solo Bassoon
    Atmospheres II for Solo Violin

    Atmospheres III for Solo Flute
    Atmospheres IV for Solo Clarinet
    Bagatelles for Solo Clarinet
    Voyage for Solo Clarinet
    Duet for Cello and Clarinet
    Echo for Violin and Viola
    In a Distand Land for Oboe, Clarinet, Piano and Percussion
    Three Miniatures for Clarinet and Piano

    Recording by: HOOK recording art studio production by: HOOK RECORDS

  • 'Music by Cypriot Composers for Clarinet and Piano'

    George Georgiou 
    Recording CD, works by Cypriot Composers

    Recording HOOK recording art studio production by HOOK RECORDS

  • 'Yzaye Violin Sonatas'

    Wolfgang Schroeder
    , Violin

    Recording by: HOOK recording art studio production by: HOOK RECORDS